The TCY Challenge
Rules/Dynasty File Info


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Here is where you can find information on downloading the dynasty files. What to name your saved game files. And any gameplay rules.

Gameplay Rules:

1. Play the most current version of TCY (currently patch version 1.0c for those who purchased the cd). Those who downloaded the game already have the latest version.

2. Coaching changes are NOT allowed. For the purposes of the challenge, you must remain with the same team for all 20 seasons.

3. Players can decide whether or not to make roster, recruiting, game plan, and player management decisions on their own, or to let assistant coaches handle these actions.

4. Players MUST turn off the option to autosave at the end of each season.

5. Players MUST save the game under a new file name at the end of each season. This save must occur after the national championship game has been played and before the player elects to begin the next season. The player's score will be calculated from this year end save file.

6. Players MUST save the game under a new file name at the beginning of each season. This will guarantee that each year-end save file remains intact for posting screen captures and possible player score audits.

7. Players MUST turn on the option to save box scores and game logs.

File Transfer Information:

1. The challenge .zip file will be available for download on The link at the bottom of this page will take players to that site.

Players will need to register for a "test drive" of freedrive if they do not have not already registered.

2. VERY IMPORTANT - Players need to make a copy of their current TCY universe folder before downloading the .zip file. The backup of the universe folder should either be renamed, or moved out of the TCY folder.

The challenge .zip file has to be entered into a player's existing universe folder or else the game will register an error message.

3. Download and unzip the challenge dynasty file.

4. Move the 8 individual files from the downloaded universe folder into the TCY universe folder. Unfortunately, you cannot just move the unzipped universe folder into the TCY directory.

5. Open The College Years and begin the TCY Challenge.

In the footsteps of Rockne - dynasty file