The TCY Challenge
Bonus Points


New Page Title
In the footsteps of Rockne...
The Rivals Page
Current Challenge Timetable
Season Scoring
Score Verification System
Sample screen shots
Game Phases
Bonus Points
Calculating the Final Score
Category Score Tracker
Total Score Tracker
Rules/Dynasty File Info
TCY Challenge Hall of Fame
Gridiron Hall of Fame
Contact devaneyfan

Success can be measured in any number of ways. In the TCY Challenge, players will compete for season totals, category totals, and final score.

Bonus points will reward those players who have the best performances during indvidual seasons. Points will also be awarded to the players who have the highest score in a given category after all 20 seasons have been played.

Category Bonuses (18,000 possbile points):

Players who end with the highest cumulative score in a given category will earn a 2,000 point bonus before final scores are calculated. This will reward players who are particularly strong at certain aspects of the game. Again, the categories are:

1. Recruiting success
2. Winning games
3. Year end score
4. Conference championship
5. Player Awards
6. Player of the Year
7. Post-season success
8. Year end poll rank
9. Coach of the Year

If two or more players are tied in any given category, the bonus points will be divided among them.

Season Winners

Players who achieve the highest point totals during individual seasons will also receive bonus points. The points are as follows.

Years 1 to 5: 1,000 points
Years 2 to 10: 750 points
Years 11 to 15: 500 points
Years 16 to 20: NO points

These points are intended to offset some of the scoring imbalances between the early and later phases of the game. For instance, a season ending high score during the early phase will not be close to a high score during later phases. The graded scale is intended to reward these early successes, and to encourage players to be even more strategic in the early phase of the game.

Challenge Specific Bonuses

Specific Challenges may also have their own, unique bonus system.

The "Footsteps of Rockne" Challenge has the rivalry bonus points, for instance. The rivalry bonus points are described on the "Footsteps of Rockne" link.