The TCY Challenge
Score Verification System


New Page Title
In the footsteps of Rockne...
The Rivals Page
Current Challenge Timetable
Season Scoring
Score Verification System
Sample screen shots
Game Phases
Bonus Points
Calculating the Final Score
Category Score Tracker
Total Score Tracker
Rules/Dynasty File Info
TCY Challenge Hall of Fame
Gridiron Hall of Fame
Contact devaneyfan

This page outlines my strategy for monitoring player scores in as an efficient way as possible (for both myself and players).

Unfortunately, requiring players to upload their dynasty files is not practical. The universe files in TCY can get quite enormous over the course of a dynasty. The individual game files are also tricky to indentify within the universe file, and are rather large on their own.

So, I will be asking players to submit a randomly selected screen shot at different times during the challenge.

I will also require screen shots to accompany score sheets during seasons in which players score in the 1,000 and 2,000 point categories (National champs, runner-ups, player of the year, coach of the year).

I guarantee that all players will be treated equally in this process. The system is simply in place to provide each player with the sense that the competition is fair.

Information about capturing screen shots is provided at the bottom of this page.

At selected points during the challenge, I will notify players which screen capture they are to provide. The screen captures will be able to substantiate a certain aspect of the player's score sheet.

The screen shot for each player will be randomly selected among the categories in which the player scored points during that season. In other words, I will not ask you to provide a screen shot of the playoffs screen if you did not make it to the post-season.

Because of the impact the major scoring events have on the competition, I am requiring players to submit screen shots during the major scoring events (1,000 or 2,000 points).

The requested screen shots can either be posted on FOFCentral under the associated thread. Or, they can be attached to an email and sent directly to me.

To capture a screen shot:

1.) Press the ALT button and PRINT SCREEN button both a once to capture the screen shot into the Windows Clipboard.

2.) Next, goto the Windows START button and then navigate to PROGRAMS -- ACCESSORIES -- PAINT.

3.) Now from within Microsoft Paint goto the EDIT drop down menu and select PASTE.

4.) Save the picture as a .gif or a .jpg to a directory on your local hard drive.

5.) Now you are ready to attach this screen shot an email, or upload it so you can post it on FOFCentral.