The TCY Challenge
Current Challenge Timetable


New Page Title
In the footsteps of Rockne...
The Rivals Page
Current Challenge Timetable
Season Scoring
Score Verification System
Sample screen shots
Game Phases
Bonus Points
Calculating the Final Score
Category Score Tracker
Total Score Tracker
Rules/Dynasty File Info
TCY Challenge Hall of Fame
Gridiron Hall of Fame
Contact devaneyfan

Here are the deadlines for the "Footsteps of Rockne" challenge. Players who miss the deadlines for sending the commissioner their season scores will not be eligible for any season-winning bonuses for that time period.

This Irish-based challenge is slated to run from January 1st until March 16th. The grand champion will appropriately be crowned on St. Patrick's Day.

January 1st - The Footsteps of Rockne challenge officially gets underway.

January 5th (Saturday) - First season score sheets due!

January 6th (Sunday) - First season results posted. Results will always be posted on the Sunday following the deadlines.

January 12th (Saturday) - Seasons 2 & 3 score sheets due!

January 19th (Saturday) - Seasons 4 & 5 score seets due!

January 26th (Saturday) - Seasons 6 & 7 score seets due!

February 2nd (Saturday) - Seasons 8 & 9 score seets due!

February 9nd (Saturday) - Seasons 10 & 11 score seets due!

February 16th (Saturday) - Seasons 12 & 13 score seets due!

February 23rd (Saturday) - Seasons 14 & 15 score seets due!

March 2nd (Saturday) - Seasons 16 & 17 score seets due!

March 9th (Saturday) - Seasons 18 & 19 score seets due!

March 16th (Saturday) - Season 20 score seets due!

March 17th (St. Patrick's Day) - Final scores posted. Grand Champion crowned!

-Shortly after the challenge, nominations for Hall of Fame players will begin.

Certain players will likely be able to finish the 20 seasons of the challenge in just a few weeks.

These players are encouraged to send in season scores as early as possible.

Early scores will not be posted until the deadline for those seasons.

Once submitted, scores cannot changed.